The Bear Podcasts

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Mary Ditmars from Auburn

Mary has five kids and four grandbabies and loves going to concerts ♥

Her favorite thing about The Bear is the music, the DJs are the best, and ticket giveaways!

The artists that help Mary get through the day are Disturbed, Falling in Reverse, Rammstein, 5FDP, and Shinedown.

Congratulations to Mary Ditmars from Auburn, Today’s Listener of the Day!

On The Air

Upcoming Concerts

On The Air

Mary Ditmars from Auburn

Mary has five kids and four grandbabies and loves going to concerts ♥

Her favorite thing about The Bear is the music, the DJs are the best, and ticket giveaways!

The artists that help Mary get through the day are Disturbed, Falling in Reverse, Rammstein, 5FDP, and Shinedown.

Congratulations to Mary Ditmars from Auburn, Today’s Listener of the Day!

Upcoming Concerts

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