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Lanie Vogleman from Colorado Springs

Lanie is a loyal Bear listener even though she doesn’t live in Indiana at the moment; she lives Colorado Springs because her husband is in the military! Lanie says she is married to the best man ever, has two dogs that make her the crazy dog mom, and driving around doing nothing is so fun to her.

Her favorite thing about The Bear is the variety of songs

The artists that help Lanie get through the day are pretty much all the female rock artist get me through the day not necessarily one particular song 🙂 I love Halestorm, In This Moment New Year’s Day…

Congratulations to Lanie Vogleman from Colorado Springs, Today’s Listener of the Day!

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On The Air

Lanie Vogleman from Colorado Springs

Lanie is a loyal Bear listener even though she doesn’t live in Indiana at the moment; she lives Colorado Springs because her husband is in the military! Lanie says she is married to the best man ever, has two dogs that make her the crazy dog mom, and driving around doing nothing is so fun to her.

Her favorite thing about The Bear is the variety of songs

The artists that help Lanie get through the day are pretty much all the female rock artist get me through the day not necessarily one particular song 🙂 I love Halestorm, In This Moment New Year’s Day…

Congratulations to Lanie Vogleman from Colorado Springs, Today’s Listener of the Day!

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